Here is my very first grandchild Louis Joseph! This photo was taken on the day of his birth and I saw him for the first time three days later. So many people had extolled to me over the years , the joys of being a grandparent and I was overjoyed when he was born; but when I went to see him I saw someone else's baby and all my feelings were for my own thirty year old baby who was suffering from a migraine from all the lack of sleep , excitement (always a cause when he was a little boy-eg invitation from best friend to tea-he was nearly always sick!!!) and the whole experience of the birth. Both new parents looked shattered but my daughter in law Mel had that beautuful glow of a very new mum. When this photo came through on the internet I printed it out and stuck it on my fridge. Over the next few days Louis' little face made me smile and a deep joy began to grow inside me and his grandpa and then his image made us chuckle with pride and happiness. His image worked it's magic in just a few days and I was well and truly hooked !!!

Ofcourse I had to make a cot quilt for Louis and here it is! Our quilting group used this block 'spool' for the charity quilts we have made from all our scraps. I think it works really well for this purpose because the blocks we used were small. I wanted Louis'quilt to be bright and I enjoyed the chance to sew fabric designed for babies with ducklings and kittens etc as well as use up some I already had. I made it all by hand and it took two months. I gave it to Mel together with a handknitted teddy which I bought some years ago at a school craft fayre, and my pearl earrings which she had borrowed to wear for her wedding. I know the quilt is in constant use and plans for the next are taking shape in my head!
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